International Women's Day 2024

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🌟 Happy International Women's Day! 🌟

Today, at G&L, we're celebrating the incredible women who contribute to our success and inspire us every day! But let's remember, celebrating women's achievements isn't limited to just one day. In our industry, there's a crucial need to support Women In Tech, and we're proud to say that we're actively working towards that goal.

We recently asked the women in our company what has helped them or inspired them along their journey, and here are some of their recommendations:

📚 Books:
"Living a Feminist Life" by Sara Ahmed
"Lean In" by Sheryl Sandberg
"Braving the Wilderness" by Brené Brown
"Why has nobody told me this before?" by Dr. Julie Smith

🎧 Podcasts/TV:
The Rachel Hollis Podcast
"Baby got Business"
"Sensitive Badass" (available only in German)
TV series "The Diplomat"

In addition to these recommendations, we'd like to draw attention to:

➡ Women in Streaming Media is open to new members (free):

➡ RISE mentorship program is calling for mentors and mentees until 15 March:

➡ GalsNGear has regular meetups, courses and resources for women in media & entertainment:


And for those who missed it last year, we had the privilege of interviewing four women at G&L to share their experiences and insights on gender equality in tech. Click here for the interviews.